KPK Transfers Wiwid Cs Files to Jambi Corruption Court


MINANG TIME - Jambi .- The Corruption Limitation Commission (KPK) handed over the case file for the bribery case of the Jambi Provincial RAPBD 2017-2018 to the Jambi Corruption Court on Tuesday (26/10) against the suspects Widid Iswara, Akhrahmat Eka Putra, Fakhruraz and Zainur Arfan. 

The KPK public prosecutor who came to the court used a white Avanza car with two suitcases and three boxes containing case files. Thus, the public prosecutor is only waiting for the trial schedule. 

The former council will be charged with Article 12 letter a or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code. 

Regarding the number of witnesses who will be presented at the trial, the Prosecutor is still looking at the needs during the trial. "In the case file, of course there are more than 50 people who will be witnesses, but we haven't summoned all of them yet," said KPK Public Prosecutor Hidayat.

 Hidayat said the four suspects were still undergoing the KPK's routine, waiting for an additional period of detention. "After this delegation, they (suspects, ed) will be detained by the Prosecutor, to be taken to Jambi or are still waiting for the order of the panel of judges," he said. (Ilham)


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